About Soul Magic Healing

How would it feel to lift away your inner, negative thoughts? What about the thoughts that are limiting your ability to live life to the fullest? How would it feel to have a solution to the negative experiences in life?

There are times you may feel as if you are not good enough and that life may be a struggle. Soul Magic Healing™ is a method that will help relieve these kinds of thoughts.

Soul Magic Healing™ is a quantum and vibrational technique that helps to lift those thoughts out of the cellular memory and allows your soul to guide you and heal you. It will allow your soul to express who you really are.

This unique healing method is something that will help transform life for yourself or your clients!

Who Is Janna Zarchin?

Janna Zarchin is a Developer of the Soul Magic System of Vibrational Healing™, she is also a licensed mental health practitioner.

Janna developed Soul Magic Healing™ (formerly Orionics) which is a quantum and vibrational method of lifting blocking beliefs and limiting patterns from the cellular memory. This process has given much relief to many; the process and the results are so effortless and helpful, it seems mystifying.

Among other credentials Janna is an Ordained Interfaith Minister, trained labyrinth facilitator, Reiki Master, trained Rebirth breathworker, certified hypnotherapist, Color and Sound healer, and has taken many other energetic trainings. She has been a mental health counselor for the last 25 years.

Janna brings that knowledge to help you and your clients have the deepest and best understanding of what is operating in their lives so they can change it.